Savor the Spring Flavors

We are just as excited as you are about the snow finally melting off the course and for the temperatures to be heating up after what felt like the longest winter on-record. To help put you in the spring mood and get your spirits up, we’ve put together a list of some of our favorite spring brews that always go well with some sunshine and maybe a round of golf at the Fairways. Grab your sunglasses and get your golf clubs ready because the outdoor season is upon us and we are ready for some warm weather fun!

  • Leggett Lager - this straight forward and enjoyable malt will heighten your spirits and help you unwind after a day in the sun. It’s light and crisp flavor will quench your thirst and make your evening on our patio overlooking the course unforgettable.

  • Inside Job Pils - get this one while it lasts! Made with Pilsen, White Wheat and Aromatic Malts, its light flavor will transport you to a relaxed state of mind- kind of like the one we’re in all summer long!

  • Red, Wheat and Blue - best enjoyed with an orange slice, this American wheat ale is made with Willamette, cascade and lemondrop hops and remind you to take in every ounce of the warm weather and bask in the sun.

  • Wheelhouse Blonde Ale - a brew so light and crisp, we can almost taste the subtle orange undertones now!

  • Man From Nantucket- this New England IPA is made with a variety of hops that keep it light and tasteful, always reminding us of the breezy beaches off of New England’s coast.

If this list hasn’t made your mouth water yet, come by the brewery any Thursday, Friday, Saturday or Sunday and experience these brews for yourself, we’re always adding to menu and look forward to adding more summer flavors soon. Stop in and grab a seat on the porch because the outdoor season is upon us and we are ready!

Guiding A Group Through Great Taste

As teachers, we know that one of the best ways to teach someone something is through hands-on experience. As brewers, we want people to learn our craft and understand the passion we have that goes into creating the perfect tasting beer. With both of these in mind, we are introducing a fun, private event for you and group of your colleagues, friends, family- anyone really, to participate in at Hank Hudson.

Our Beer Dinners begin with you and your group being introduced to the equipment (with a full glass of beer in your hand no doubt.) We’ll tell you about what goes into the beer-making process, and then we open the floor up to your group. If you’ve ever had any questions about making beer, now is the time to ask us! We’ll tell you some funny stories we’ve encountered along the way of becoming craft brewers and tell you about our interesting experiences thus far in the industry.

After you learn a little more about the process, we invite you to continue relaxing and enjoy some dinner expertly paired with some Hank Hudson brews. You’ll feel like a genuine beer connoisseur after learning about the beer making process and have a new understanding for why certain beers pair better with certain foods.

If this sounds like something you and a group of your pals would be excited in doing, we are taking reservations now. For any questions you may have about this or to make your group’s reservation, give us a call at (518) 664-1578.

Hank’s Inspiration

Hank’s Inspiration

As some of you may know, we were members of a stock investment club (“beer drinking and chicken wing eating club” according to our wives) that was beginning to lose its luster.  At the same time Scotia-Glenville High School was searching for a new principal.  Little did we know how much our next principal would influence and inspire us.

The Definition of Drink Local

The Definition of Drink Local

We are very excited about our latest partnership that we collaborated with on creating a new brew, Dawson’s Delight Halfmoon IPA. The beer is made with hops from Rockin’ Hops, a farm located just about a mile down the road.

Arnie, Jack, Phil, Tiger and Daly: How our fermenters earned their names

Arnie, Jack, Phil, Tiger and Daly: How our fermenters earned their names

Without further ado, meet Arnie, Jack, Phil, Tiger and Daly. All named after some of our all-time favorite golf legends and trailblazers who won Majors and PGA Tour victories. Each pro golfer has had an enormous impact on the sport and its popularity around the world.